Monday, June 3, 2024

Book 91: A Dark and Secret Magic by Wallis Kinney

 I just finished A Dark and Secret Magic and I give it 🧹🧹🧹🧹. Here's my review from Goodreads:

A Dark and Secret Magic reminds me a little bit of A Discovery of Witches, only a little bit more 'down to earth' and not quite as literary. It's the story of Kate, a 'hedge witch' who is reaching an important milestone in her life as a witch. She lives a fairly solitary life. That all changes with the coming of Halloween and Samhain, when a stranger at her door starts a sequence of events that will change her life. I like stories when witchcraft is connected to real life, without a lot of hocus pocus, and I enjoyed how this book handled that. I am not a huge romance fan and this was probably a bit too romance-y for me, but that's ok. I liked the relationship between Kate and her two sisters. All in all, a good read and I'd read a sequel.

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