Monday, June 24, 2024

Book 104: Unwedding by Allie Condie

 I just finished Unwedding and I give it 💒💒💒 3/4. 

I really need to stop reading these 'locked room' thrillers, because they're so repetitive. For some reason, though, these books get all the attention! Anyway, in this book, Ellery goes on vacation to a remote (of course) high end  (of course) resort by herself (she was supposed to go with her husband, but he leaves her and still wants her to go the resort). Also at the resort is a wedding party.  The first night--someone is murdered! Then there is a horrible storm, and they're all trapped at the resort! Then someone ELSE is murdered! Can Ellery and her new friends Ravi and Nicole figure out what's going on, so they also don't die? Can Ellery stop having flashbacks to the horrible school bus accident she was in, which didn't seem connected to the plot at all? I kept thinking someone from the horrible accident was going to be a guest at the resort but spoiler: no one was. Anyway, very short chapters kept me reading. The ending was awful (it was all recapped to Ellery). I swear to myself I will STOP READING LOCKED ROOM THRILLERS although I do have to say this one was one of the better one's I've read lately. 

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