Sunday, June 16, 2024

Book 100: Drawing Home by Jamie Brenner

 It's my 100th book of the year and it's Drawing Home by Jamie Brenner. I just finished it and I give it ✎✎✎✎.

This is my second book by Jamie Brenner and it follows kind of a similar format: three women come together for REASONS and they need to work things out. The women are Emma, who works at a hotel is Sag Harbor, her daughter Penny who is 14 and has anxiety and OCD, and Bea, who is an artist's rep in NYC. The story opens with the death of a famous artist who had befriended Peggy at the bar in the hotel where Emma works, and who Bea represents. Bea thinks she is going to inherit the beautiful, expansive waterfront home of the artist, but no! He has left it to Penny. The story revolves around how it all works out and how each woman figures out what she really wants in life, and how to get it. It's a sweet story and well written with a few little surprises that I didn't expect, and it is a nice summer weekend read.

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