Thursday, June 20, 2024

Book 102: Honey by Isabel Banta

 I read this as an arc, and I don't think anyone should pay for this book. Here's what I wrote at NetGalley.

This was almost a DNF after about a third but I kept at it. Honey is the story of Amber, who we meet as a young girl singing in a school talent show and being signed by an agent. She loses on Star Search but then has a career as a pop singer. She's talented but doesn't work hard, and her image is the 'bad girl' and everything is all about her sexuality. I don't know, it seems like this book's strategy was to take every Britney/Madonna/Jessica Simpson cliche and roll them into this book. Amber wasn't really an interesting character to me, nor were the other characters in the book. I'm sorry I didn't like this more.

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