Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Book 30: First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston

 I just finished First Lie Wins and I give it ✵✵✵ 3/4 stars.  This book is quite the talk of the book world, and is a Reese's book club pick. It's a thriller-type of book, and it is one of those that twists and twists and twists and twists. The main character, Lucca has a job where she basically goes undercover and gets dirt on people so her boss, "Mr. Smith", can blackmail them or steal from them or something. It is sort of John Grisham-like in that it moves as a very fast pace and it was ok--I kept reading to figure out how all the threads came together but it got so twisty at the end I could hardly keep up.

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