Sunday, July 28, 2024

Book 122: A Novel Summer by Jamie Brenner

 I just finished A Novel Summer and I give it 📕📕📕 1/2.

I was hoping Jamie Brenner would be the 'successor' to the Elin Hilderbrand reign of summer fiction but alas it is not to be. This was a cute book, but there were so many eye rolls in it. It's the story of three women who are friends--one lives in Provincetown, one vacations in Provincetown, and one is friends with the vacationer and worked in the bookshop owned by Full timer's parents. As the book opens, the third woman has just published her first book (one year out of college) and it becomes a RUNAWAY BEST SELLER (eye roll) and then friend #2 reads it and figures out that it's basically her biography (eye roll) so she gets mad at #3. #3 has writer's block so she moves to P-town to work in #1's parents' book shop, which #1 has been running while the parents were travelling, but now #1 is pregnant and is put on bed rest so #3 has to run it. Following the plot yet? In the meantime, #3's ex boyfriend's new girlfriend is OPENING ANOTHER BOOKSHOP! (eye roll)  and #3 is mad. In the meantime, again, #2 and #3 are both sleeping with THE SAME FAMOUS AUTHOR WHO IS VACATIONING IN PTOWN (eye roll)! And then #3 gets OVER her writer's block only to write a novel that is, instead of #2's life, is #1's life! And then #1 gets mad (eye roll). 

On top of all this, there is some very, very poor copy editing (example: descriptions of people's clothing changes over the course of a few paragraphs) so that is also an eye roll. 

If you like eye-rollers, this is a book for you!

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