Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Book 117: Black Bird Oracle by Deborah Harkness

 I just finished Black Bird Oracle and I give it 🕯🕯🕯1/2.

Let me start by saying I LOVED the Discovery of Witches trilogy--just loved it. Loved that the focus was on both magic and history, with a little romance thrown in. Let me next say I HATED the TV adaptation, which made it all romance and violence and I thought the two main characters (Diana and Matthew) were horribly cast. I didn't like Time's Convert (book 4), I found it boring. So now we have book 5, which returns to the story of Diana and Matthew.  The couple, along with their Bright Born twins Pip and Becca, are about to head to England for the summer when Diana is summoned to the home of her father's family. She goes, and she learns some stuff, and learns more stuff, and has a little tussle, and learns stuff, and has a tussle, and learns stuff, and has a tussle, and learns stuff, and has a tussle. There's a lot on her father's backstory, which fills stuff in (but it's all told from the father's side of the family, so you have to wonder....) and there's nothing really BAD that happens--oh no, the author holds onto that until the final pages of the book, so now we have to wait for, oh, four years, to find out what happens. 

I like Harkness' writing, but I find the sex scenes a blend of old fashioned and icky, and yes, Diana and Matthew are hot for one another, we got that. 


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