Sunday, February 11, 2024

Book 20: The Husband Hunters: American Heiresses Who Married into the British Aristocracy by Anne DeCourcey

 I just finished "The Husband Hunters" by Anne DeCoursey and I give it ✴✴✴.

I love learning about the Gilded Age (and I love watching the Gilded Age on HBO) so I thought I would enjoy this book. It's very well researched and pretty hefty. It is about, as the subtitle suggests, rich American women who went over to the UK and married an artistocratic (yet poor) man. Each chapter talks about one of these Heiresses. 

But, the chapters talk about more than the Heiresses. They talk about the parents, the grandparents, the great grandparents, and on and on. Yes, it is interesting to know how the wealth was built but there seems to be a lot of 'gossipy bits' about, oh I don't know, the Great Aunt Once Removed and it just gets Bogged Down. I wanted to read about their lives once they married and there was some of that, but it was very heavy into history of different families and I didn't find it that interesting. 

It was a good book for reading before bed, since I basically would fall asleep in the middle of a chapter. 

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