Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Book 18: Come and Get It by Kiley Reid

 I just finished Come and Get It and I give it ✵✵✵ 1/2. 

I really liked Reid's book "Such a Fun Age" and in "Come and Get It" she tackles some of the similar themes--race and privilege and sexuality--but it seems a bit clunkier. 

Three women are the focus of the book. Millie is a resident assistant at the University of Arkansas--she's an older student with plans and she is focused enough to get them. Agatha is a visiting professor who meets Millie when she is setting up interviews for her research into female behaviors. Kennedy is a student who lives in Millie's dorm.  When Millie  discovers she can hear what's happening in Kennedy's suite, life in the dorm kind of spirals out of control when Millie allows Agatha to listen in and use what she hears for columns in Teen Vogue. As the story progresses, we learn about Kennedy's secret and how that affects her interactions with students and with school. 

The book is well written, and some of the secondary characters are fun to read about, but the idea that both Agatha and Millie are both completely unethical makes it hard to read some of the book or to root for them as primary characters (I think we're supposed to). Anyway, I'm glad I read it, I guess, but that's about it. 

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