Sunday, August 11, 2024

Book 130: The Year of Living Constitutionally by AJ Jacobs

 I just finished The Year of Living Constitutionally and I give it ★★★ 3/4.

I've read several other books by Jacobs--one where he lives according to the Bible for a year, one about puzzles, and I like his writing style and the way he researches his topics and reports back in a fun and accessible way. This book was fine, and I learned a lot about the Constitution and the current debates surrounding it, but the challenge is that it isn't that straightforward to live 'constitutionally'---basically because the Constitution tells you what you CAN do, not what you MUST do, and that's just not as interesting. But if you want a light book that will have you feel like you learned something at the end, this is a good choice. 

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