Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Book 159: The Snowbirds by Christina Clancyu

 I just finished The Snowbirds and I give it 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴.

I really like this story of a couple (Kim and Grant) who leave Madison Wisconsin to spend the winter in Palm Springs and to see if they can continue together as a couple. They've grown apart--can Palm Springs bring them together? The story is told from Kim's point of view and in multiple time periods that give the reader a great overview of their history, but the main focus of the novel is--where is Grant? He left to go hiking on New Year's Day and never came home. I really had to force myself from reading ahead to see if Grant was OK. I liked both characters--they were both very real, meaning they had their good parts and their bad parts, and the other people who come in and out of the story were great as well. All in all, I think this is a good portrait of a long term relationship and I'm glad I read it and will search out other books by the author as well.

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