Monday, October 14, 2024

Book 158: Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney

 I just finished Conversations with Friends and I give it ❤❤❤.

I just don't get Sally Rooney. People love her and I didn't like the characters in this book at all. They're all kind of awful even as she tries to make them sympathetic. Sigh.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Book 157: The Friend Group by Ty Hutchinson

 I loved the first two thirds of this book. A woman and her husband move to Thailand where she is taken under the wing of Vivian and two additional women who help the woman meet people and acclimated. When the woman gets pregnant, Vivian gets weird and the woman worries Vivian is going to harm her baby. At the same time, the woman is still grieving her child who died of SIDS several years earlier, and is having delusions that he is still alive. Anyway--interesting until the last third where her husband becomes Rambo like and everything goes to pieces. 

Book 156: Shakespeare, the Man Who Pays the Rent by Judi Dench

 I just finished Shakespeare, the Man Who Pays the Rent by Judi Dench and Brendan O'Hea and I give it 🙇🙇🙇🙇.

This is an interesting book. It's transcripts of conversations between Judi Dench and another actor, Brendan O'Hea, where Brendan asks Judi all about all the roles she played in various Shakespeare plays (there are lots). It is interesting to hear the stories and learn about Shakespeare, but I don't have the recall of various plays the way she does sometimes it was a bit dull. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Book 155: The Cautious Traveler's Guide to the Wastelands by Sarah Brooks

 I just finished The Cautious Traveler's Guide to the Wastelands and I give it 🚆🚆🚆 1/2.

This is kind of an odd book. I guess it would be characterized as historical fantasy maybe? The Trans-Siberian railroad is ferrying travelers from Beijing to Moscow and it must cross The Wastelands, a terrifying place that no one really understands and that can damage the train and the travelers if it can 'break in' to the train. There are numerous characters that we follow on the journey. I liked the first half or so, and the tension as the train travels through the Wastelands is well done. However, the book gets kind of convoluted and political and I didn't like it as well. I really had to push to finish. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Book 154: The Original Daughter by Jemima Wei

 I can't rate this book because I stopped reading it after about 70% because I was so bored.

Book 153: Almost Everything: Notes on Hope by Anne Lamotte

 I just finished Almost Everything and I give it 🙏🙏🙏🙏..

She's a great writer, that Anne Lamotte, and I liked this book but it is very focused on faith and her perspectives on faith and I'm not too into that. 

Monday, September 30, 2024

Book 152: The Rich People Have Gone Away by Regina Porter

 I just finished The Rich People Have Gone Away and I give it 👮👮👮 1/2.

I don't really know what to make of this book. The two main characters are Theo and Darla, who have a fight while they're hiking after leaving New York for a remote cabin during the pandemic, and Darla disappears. Then we have a bunch of other characters who dance in and out and I'm not quite sure what the whole point was. It was well written though.